Friday, April 22, 2011

Matthew is 2!

Wednesday Matthew turned 2! It was so different from last year as this year the little stinker seemed to know just what was going on! He woke up to his favorite, a balloon! He was tickled by a donut donned with candles, but after blowing out his candles he didn't take a bite of his sugary breakfast and instead opted for a NutriGrain bar (silly child)! The day didn't consist of a ton of celebrating (the big bash isn't until next weekend), but we did go out for dinner to a McDonald's with a play land because when asked where he wanted to eat Matthew said, "Donalds". After dinner it was present opening and cake time! It was so fun to see him enjoy his little celebration!

Thursday Matthew went to the pediatrician's office for his well-child visit. His stats are as follows . . . .
Height: 33.5 in. (27%)
Weight: 26 lbs. 9 oz. (32%0
Head circumference: 48 cm (32%)
(Just a note he was measured at 33.5 in at his 18 month appointment, but the pediatrician said that measurements are always off when they switch from measuring them laying down to standing up. So, it seems they were generous with their 18 month measurement.) We also discovered he had a raging ear infection in one ear and the start of another ear infection in the other ear, poor kiddo.

Matthew is generally a happy little guy who likes to be silly and make us laugh (seriously he makes us laugh daily). He is an active and curious little boy who adores his big brother (most of the time) and copies him constantly. His language has exploded and is non-stop!! He will say anything you ask him too and is saying lots of 2 and 3 word utterances all the time - so nice to be able to verbally communicate. He loves running, climbing, jumping, making messes and reading books. Some days he can be caught actually playing with a toy for more than 3 minutes, but it's not the norm yet. He doesn't even watch TV for more than 5 min., but I'm not complaining about that! He seems to catch on to things very quickly and has quite the little memory for a two year old. He truly is a joy most of the time. He has followed suit and has quite the stubborn streak, but it has yet to rival his brother's. He is learning how to control his anger and has had numerous time outs (and has had for several months now) for hitting. He is a poor eater, but a good sleeper (this mama would rather have a sleeper than an eater). He still has lots of chubby, kissable baby parts that I am lovin' on since I know that we are truly now in the throws of toddler hood and all to soon on the way to becoming a preschooler. Praying that God continues to bless Matthew with many more years of growth!

Birthday breakfast!

Blowing out his candles!

More practicing of blowing out candles.

Opening up his first present with a little help from Joshua.

His first motorcycle (and his last if I have anything to say about it)!

Mr. Potato Head!

Dressing up the potato.

Unwrapping his gifts like a pro now that he's 2.

Playing with his new car carrier.

One last gift.....a Hot Wheels track for the bathtub!

Ready, set, go!!

Motorcycle man!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe Matthew is 2! Looks like he had a fun birthday! Love the motorcycle. We miss seeing you guys!
