Sunday, December 17, 2006

Joshua's Early On Evaluation Update

Yesterday the report came from Early On concerning the evaluation Joshua had on Thursday. His language delay was actually found to be at a 15.5-18 month range instead of the 12-15 month range we had first thought he was at. His gross/large motor skills are at the same 15.5-18 month range as well (due to his stair work - he has been fearful ever since he fell down them a couple months ago). Every other area of development is right on target for his age and his cognition and fine motor skills were assessed at the 21-24 month range. As an educator that has done MANY assessments I have found this assessment on my own child very interesting! I love to see his strengths and we will be working on strengthening those areas of weakness.


Van Wesep Ventures said...

Glad to here that the update came out better than originally anticipated. Now, you will feel much better as you approach things. All those hands on activities you do must have a done a great job with his fine motor skills...way to go Joshua! The rest will come, and you know how to better help him along.