Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Matthew is 6 months!

Unbelievably 6 months has passed before our eyes and Matthew is growing an developing at rapid speed, or so it seems! We are trying to cherish each moment of his babyhood, even the not so fun ones. Today he had his 6 month appointment with the pediatrician and his stats are as follows:

Weight: 19 lbs. 10 oz (84%)
Height: 27 1/4 in. (79%)
Head Circumference: 43.7 cm. (49%)

He is a big, healthy, strong little man who is developing well. He is still outgrowing Joshua in weight and height, but interestingly his head size is slightly smaller. At 6 months Joshua weighed 17 lbs. 5 oz.(50%), was 26 1/4 in. in height (20%) and his head measured 43.9 cm.

At 6 months Matthew . . .

~is sitting up on his own and is very stable. He has even gone from sitting up to manuvering himself purposefully to laying down. It's hillarious to watch as he sits he bends himself in half and shifts his weight and always has a huge grin on his face after he has accomplished laying down.

~can roll back to tummy and tummy to back - however it's kind of exhausting to move all that chub so a few times is enough and then he takes a break.

~is being weaned from breastfeeding and had his first taste of formula today. He is still eating 6 times a day.

~is eating solid foods and has progressed through almost all of the stage 1 foods. He has taken a liking to eating over the past week.

~is very ticklish, especially his feet. He also has laughing fits when daddy blows on the side of his belly.

~naps very well taking a 2 1/2-3 hour nap every afternoon. He takes a morning nap, but the time and length is inconsistent because we are usually out and about.

~has been crying out during the night and not sleeping well lately. He has had crying episodes for as long as 1 1/2 hours. The pediatrician thinks it's most likely a bad sleep cycle and teething, although she said it could be night terrors. Whatever it is we hope it stops soon as it's making for two very tired parents! Funny thing is Joshua sleeps right through all the crying!

~has been wearing 6-12 month clothes, but is going to outgrow them fast at the rate he is growing!

~enjoys playing with toys and tossing them off his highchair of course. He loves to sit on the floor playing with his toys and can entertain himself for quite some time.

~LOVES his big brother and watches everything Joshua does.

~squeals and screeches to let us know he wants to be heard. He is quite possibly the loudest baby ever!

~continues to be a very happy little guy who is full of smiles and giggles!