Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What a year will do . . .

Last week I was going back through some of my old blog posts and this one caught my eye. One year ago the thoughts running through my mind were so different than they are today. I was agonizing over the fact that we were having another boy and let me tell you I didn't reveal to everyone just how devastating this was to me at the time. As I re-read that post I had to laugh at how filtered I was in my writing considering the way I was feeling. Tears flowed freely for weeks as I literally grieved the thought of never having a little girl. Fast forward to today as I watch my boys interact and I see the love and the bond that is already there between them (would it have been the same or different if Matthew had been a girl?!?). I love the differences between them and find the similarities, which there are few, funny. Watching Matthew's little personality develop and be revealed is priceless. I wouldn't change having my two boys for the world. People ask me if we are going to have a third in hopes for a girl and my reply is simple, "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Our family is complete and we are very happy with our two boys. Took me a while to see it, but I'm thankful that God gave us the gift of another boy. He obviously knows much better than I do!