Friday, June 04, 2010

Watching God's handy work

About a month ago we watched some robins who would fly out in the woods behind our house and gather sticks and brush and then fly under our deck. We figured they were building a nest. Sure enough, we were right! A week or so after the nest was built we could see four blue eggs peacefully laying in it. We've been watching the eggs ever since discovering them and were excited to find that 3 of them (we think, but it's hard to tell) had hatched by the time we came home from camping on Monday - oh and boy are they ugly little things! It's hard to see the babies when you have to look in between deck boards to catch a glimpse, so today Joshua and I got the ladder out and took a better look at the baby robins, being careful not to disturb them or tick their momma off (she's always nearby keeping a watchful on on her little ones). From what I've found through looking on the internet, it seems that the birds will be in there nest about another week before they will to learn to fly and leave. It's been such a fun and amazing process to watch from the very beginning - Joshua is very curious about the babies and has to "check" on them several times a day. What a great opportunity to teach Joshua about the wonders of God's creation and how God has His hand in every little detail!

The baby birds just 2 days old.

5 days old.

The momma taking care of her babies.

I took a video so Joshua would be better able to see how even though the birds are tiny they are alive and moving.


Missy said...

We had a nest under our deck and didn't realize it at first, so we missed out on the babies. But now we have one on the backside of the columns on our front porch (there is a little lip there big enough for a nest apparently!). The robin built it just last week, and now is used to Jon and the kids and I and doesn't fly away when we are out there playing or going in and out of the house. She flies away from everyone else though. We're keeping an eye out for the babies!

Brenda said...
