Monday, September 13, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten!

Last Tuesday was the Joshua's first day of Kindergarten! It was a bit rough waking him up early (to say he is not an early bird is an understatement) but it helped he had school to look forward too! A quick breakfast and it was on to getting ready. I got to drive him to school the first day as I had to stay for parent orientation so beside taking the annual first day picture on the front porch we also took one by the tractor that sits in front of the school. Joshua started to get a tad teary when I said goodbye to him before recess, but any thought of crying was soon gone as his friend Jocelyn took him by the hand and they ran out to play together. Lucky boy not only has his friend Jocelyn in his class, but his friend (and second cousin) Eli in his class too! Unlike many moms that morning, I shed no tears because I am excited for Joshua to start this new adventure of Kindergarten! Perhaps it's all my experience from teaching, but these children are so curious and their love for learning is almost insatiable that school is most certainly the best place for them to be so I'm not sad, but rather thrilled that the world is opening up even more for Joshua this year. And yes I do worry . . . about things like what friends he will choose and whether or not he will make his own good choices, whether he actually ate his lunch, if he is being kind and showing Jesus to others through his actions and words, his teacher and the 26 children in her care. . . but this is what we have been raising him to do for the past 5 years and God always has Joshua in His hands so I know he will be safe even though I am not there to look after him. I pray that this will be a year of growth for Joshua and I look forward to all the things God has in store for him!
Joshua at school by the tractor.

Joshua and Jocelyn, buddies back together again!

Hard at work at on the first day already.

Grinning ear to ear after his first day and first bus ride home!