Thursday, September 30, 2010

On the Run

I will never claim to be a good runner; I just run for myself, both my health and my sanity. Since running the Byron 5K this summer I have been inspired to run more actual races. Last Saturday my training partner Christy (who also happens to be my friend, neighbor and sometimes my motivation when I can't find any myself) and I ran the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure. What an amazing and humbling experience to be surrounded by women who have fought the battle of breast cancer. The thousands of people who gathered for this cause early on a Saturday morning was incredible! I personally ran this race not only as a challenge for myself, but in honor my sweet aunt Cher who battled breast cancer and survived! Any time during the race that I felt like stopping I pushed on knowing that she pushed through way more pain than I know. My official chip time was 33:06, not too shabby! I knocked a minute and a half off my last race time which made me happy. Excuse the lovely self portrait from my phone, but no one else in our families volunteered to come to the race at 8am on a Saturday morning and take photos so it was up to Christy and I and this is the best we came up with.