Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Visit to Preschool

Today I took the boys over to my old school (where I used to teach) to visit the preschool. I needed to borrow something from their classroom for a MOPS meeting. Joshua was a bit unsure as he walked into the classroom, but after 10 minutes he was walking around discovering all the toys. One of my former little students was there today (she was 3 when I taught her and just turned 5!) and she took Joshua by the hand throughout our visit - they became quick friends. Besides playing with the toys Joshua took part in a story and singing time (well, I guess he danced instead of sang). He did surprisingly well for not knowing the environment or the kids surrounding him! He even ate a snack at the table while some of the kids ate their lunches. He really adored trying out the chairs that were his size! The highlight of the visit was when Joshua got to play with the class pet - Wilson the bunny! My former coworker got the bunny out and let Joshua play in a little play-yard with the bunny. Joshua loved playing with the bunny and Owen watched and giggled. It was great seeing my old comrades and Joshua loved playing in preschool!


Van Wesep Ventures said...

Sounds like a fun day! Allison saw a bunny in the backyard yesterday, but she wasn't lucky enough to touch one. She has been pointing out the window and talking about it though. It must have been a day for "field trips" because I took the kids to visit my work today rabbits there though, just CANDY!! I don't think you'll hear them complain.