Saturday, June 28, 2008

Walking in the parade!

In order to let more people know about our MOPS group at church the new co-coordinators decided to walk in the Caledonia parade, throw out candy and hand out info about our group. And yes, you did read that right, I have stepped down from my position as MOPS coordinator for our church after 2 years of volunteering. With the prospect of selling our house, building a new house and Joshua beginning preschool in the fall I needed to let someone else take over coordinating our MOPS group. Oh, and I'm not a big fan of church politics, but that's a whole other story.
So, this morning a few of us moms and our kids walked in the parade. We chose a spot near the front of the line so we could jump back into the crowd after we were done walking to let our kids enjoy the rest of the parade. It worked out well. What we did find out is that it is hard to pull wagons, push strollers and throw candy and hand out info all while walking down the road. We had a lot of fun and the kids enjoyed both being in the parade and watching it and catching all kinds of treats!