Thursday, July 09, 2009

A great summer day!

Since the weather looked just about perfect and we hadn't seen Missy, Eli and Matea in a couple weeks we made a play date to go to Meijer Gardens. We met them late in the morning so we could play, eat lunch and spend the whole afternoon playing some more! Eli and Joshua had a great time as usual exploring all the different areas of the Children's Garden. They spent a great deal of time trying to find each other in the maze and they also loved the sand and water. After we ate lunch we heard an announcement and found out that story time was right where we were so Eli and Joshua even got to enjoy a few stories (it was almost their own private story time until a couple other kids showed up right before the reading began). Matea and Matthew were stroller buddies who both enjoyed a snooze in their strollers when they weren't observing their brother's antics - oh and Matea got to use those little walking legs of hers a bit too! Missy and I were able to get some quality talk time in while the kiddos played which was my favorite thing. Children happily playing, moms chatting and the sun shining and enjoying the beauty of God's creation makes for a pretty perfect day!


Missy said...

We really had a great day! And great minds think alike - we both posted pics of our visit today. Thanks, again, for the pictures of Matea playing in the water. It made appearances on both our blogs. :)