Thursday, May 13, 2010

Things that make you go hmmmm....

Upon seeing the rain this morning . . .
Joshua: "Do you think 'Nana in heaven' (how we refer to my mom) is helping Jesus dump the rain down?"
Me: "I'm not sure if Jesus needs any help with the rain or not."
Joshua: "Wait, I bet Nana would help put the sun out, not do the rain. Did Nana like the sunshine?"
Me: "Nana loved the sunshine!"
Joshua: "Mom, you and I love the sunshine just like Nana!"
Me: "Yes, Joshua we do. We are like Nana in a lot of ways and that happens to be one."
Joshua; "I like snow, did Nana like the snow?"
Me: "Nope, Nana didn't like snow at all; kind of like me. In fact the day she went to live with Jesus the first snow of winter that year fell. They were the first snowflakes you ever saw and the last snowflakes Nana ever saw."
Joshua: "I didn't know that."

No my dear, you wouldn't know that. . . you were only 6 1/2 months old.
Keeping the memory of Nana alive even in silly conversations about the weather.


Sheryl said...

Oh, Catherine, that is just precious. I have tears in my eyes. I'm sure your mom is smiling up in Heaven. :-)

Stacy M. said...

oh goodness, Catherine! I have tears in my eyes. What a sweet moment. Thanks for sharing.