Saturday, October 28, 2006

Boo at the Zoo!

Today we ventured out and met my dad at John Ball Park Zoo for their "Boo at the Zoo" day. There were tons of kids there dressed up in their costumes ready to collect treats throughout the zoo. Joshua too was all dressed up and ready for this new adventure since this was his first trip to our zoo here in G.R. He collected lots of cool treats along the kooky (not spooky) trail such as little animal toys, a little kaleidoscope, little yo-yo's, books with CD's, a huge 48 piece puzzle that ends up to be 5 ft. long, and of course a bit of candy. Joshua's favorite part besides being able to run around the zoo was seeing some goats, chickens and cows close up at the petting zoo. He also got to see a screech owl and a little porcupine up close. A great way to spend a few hours on a fall Saturday!
Watch the video


Van Wesep Ventures said...

Looks like a lot of fun. You sure have managed to better than me at finding lots of activities to fill your fall. Many great memories for Joshua.