Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A new Lil' Quad

Well, again Cory and I were suckers for a good deal! This nifty little quad was on clearance at Target and we just couldn't resist! It usually sells for $65 but we only paid $34! It's a motorized "Lil' Quad" by Fisher Price that goes all of 2 mph. We thought about saving it for Christmas, but that seemed too far away. Cory was also way too excited to put it away for a couple months (I think he wants to live vicariously through Joshua because he can't own a quad)! The only bummer of it was that the battery had to charge for a minimum of 18 hours! Once the battery went it Joshua wasn't really sure what to do anyway (as you can see in the video below). He has yet to understand that if he continuously holds the button on the handle that he will ride along smoothly. We figure that by the time the nice weather comes around this spring Joshua will have figured out exactly what to do and will be ready to ride around the neighborhood.
Watch the video


Van Wesep Ventures said...

That is hilarious! Great wheels Joshua, your cousins will be jealous. I really don't think it is going to take you very long to figure out how it all works, you've got a good start, and a bunny-bear to help you out!. You might want to leave of the naked riding might get a little road rash. Have fun riding and keep away from mommy's furniture.