Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Boys

Playing with the water!

Matching Jammies!

Just thought I'd give a little update on the boys seeing as though I haven't had a post in a week! Both boys are much more aware of the other these days. Owen loves to watch Joshua constantly! Joshua on the other hand isn't as enamored with Owen since Owen is now starting to creep around and get into his things. However, at the sound of Owen waking up Joshua makes a bee-line to the pack-n-play and has to bend down to see Owen and say "hi". This week Joshua has been grabbing toys right out of Owen's hands which is just not acceptable! Of course when the toy goes back to Owen, Joshua has a hissy fit! Playing together doesn't happen much yet, but today we found this water/sand toy in Joshua's closet and both boys enjoyed playing with it in the sink. Both boys are teething right now which means both are not quite themselves :( With all this said I still think this is a very good situation for both boys. It's perfect for helping both of them learn social skills. I've also noticed how independent and helpful Joshua can be at 18 months. Lots of times he gets me a clean diaper out, a burp cloth or a bib for Owen. His favorite thing to do though is help make and shake Owen's bottle. Hopefully down the road as these boys get older we will all be able to clearly see the benefits of having them grow up together!


Van Wesep Ventures said...

Great pictures! They look really cute in their matching PJ's. You're right on about learning to kids still haven't figured it out. Good Luck!