Monday, January 01, 2007

Racing Cars

Joshua has really gotten into vehicles. He loves "driving" them around on the floor, furniture, people, anywhere! Cory and I talked about getting him a race track for Christmas, but decided he may be too young. I remembered playing with a track at my grandparents house when I was a kid and told Cory about it. So this morning when we dropped by my grandparent's house Cory asked if they still had the race track. He and my grandma headed upstairs and lo and behold came back down with two boxes full of race track stuff. She had kept all my uncles' track pieces and super charge sprint set (basically a little garage that thrusts cars through and down a track faster than a hand could push them) from when they were young. We took all the stuff home and spent the afternoon setting up tracks and playing. I am not sure who had more fun, Joshua or Cory! Hopefully my uncles don't mind that Joshua is playing with their old toys (we'll keep them safe until you have grandkids to use them)! For all those on my side of the family the video will bring back some great childhood memories of playing with this toy!
Watch the video


Van Wesep Ventures said...

That looks like a ton of fun! What a cool thing to be able to pass a toy like that along from generation to generation. Sounds like Great Grandma stocked up and took care of toys just like Grandma G. did.