Sunday, December 23, 2007

Uncle Dave!

A while ago I asked my brother Dave to schedule his flight home for Christmas at a time that Joshua and I would be able to come and pick him up. I figured Joshua would enjoy going to the airport to see the planes and would be very excited to see someone he knows come off of one! So a few days ago I told Joshua that we were going to pick up Uncle Dave at the airport on Sunday around lunch time. Every day since I have been asked if we were going to pick up Uncle Dave! After a few changes in flight plans, thanks to overbooked planes and delayed flights, we were finally able to meet Dave at the airport this evening. Joshua was very excited to see him, as were the rest of us! We saw his plane come in and pull up to the gate and then watched him come out of the gate into the airport. Joshua couldn't stop smiling at Dave. We went out for dinner and Joshua just kept asking Dave all kinds of questions. It's so nice we can spend time some time catching up this week!

Spotting Uncle Dave coming into the airport!

"Hi Uncle Dave!"


Brenda said...

Woo Woo! HI UNCLE DAVE! Can't wait to see you too!