Christmas day was a busy day, but a very fun day filled with lots of good food and memories. The day began with Joshua opening up his presents from Cory and I. He was thrilled to get a huge Playmobil police set, a Playmobil hay wagon and a load of rocks, new books, the Candyland game, and his very own Jellycat Bunglie Cat (thankfully we could now return Owen's after 6 weeks)! He even got to unwrap a littler Jellycat for the baby. After present opening Joshua and I lit our Advent wreath, including the Christ candle for Jesus' birthday and sang the song we sing with lighting the candles with the addition of singing happy birthday to Jesus. Then I re-told all the stories from the previous 4 weeks of Advent (that he's already heard numerous times at both home and school) and told the story of Jesus' birth. It's amazing to me how much more Joshua was able to recall and help tell the stories this year than last year! I'm so glad he loves this tradition of Advent, because it is one of my very favorites and allows us the time during this busy season to prepare our hearts for Christmas.
In the early afternoon we headed to my uncle and aunt's house to celebrate with extended family (my mom's side). The food was delicious and overwhelming as usual and it was nice to catch up with people we don't see so often. Our lucky little boy got a Build-a-Road set from Great Grandpa and Great Grandma as well as some money for his bank account. He was also fortunate to receive a Playmobil tractor and trailer with logs from Uncle Steve, Aunt Cher, Matt and Rachel as well as a cool remote control car that does tricks from Uncle Jim, Aunt Nancy, Danielle, Whitney and Mark (Whitney's fiance).
After that party we were back over at Grandpa and Grandma Hager's in the evening where the cousins exchanged gifts with one another. This year Joshua was excited to buy for Nicholas and for Owen (okay, technically baby Hager had Owen's name, but since the baby is not aware Joshua got to pick out and sign his name to Owen's gift). This was the only gift exchange of the night seeing we had already had the Hager family Christmas so it was nice that the kids got to focus on the one gift they gave and the one they received.
All in all it was a very busy season, but one we enjoyed immensely! We are so thankful we are able to celebrate Christmas and remember Christ's birth with those we love around us. The video below shows a smattering of our Christmas Day celebrations.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Christmas Day 2008
Created by Catherine at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas Eve 2008
The day started with Joshua opening his stocking in the morning (as to spread things out over two days). He was thrilled to find some chocolate, two cars (one with a trailer and tractor), two puzzles and lots of new underwear (yes underwear is exciting at 3 1/2 years old, especially when it has tractors, trucks and race cars all over it). Most of the afternoon Dave and I spent at my dad's condo preparing the big Christmas Eve dinner that is a Gronsman family tradition. The evening then consisted of our delicious food (salad with cranberry goat cheese and crostinies, citrus marinaded pork tenderloin, fennel potato au gratin, and herb beans) and opening presents. Joshua was thrilled to get a new power tools workbench and cars bath soap from Papa, the Playmobil motor home from Uncle Dave and a new book about cars and trucks from Uncle Phil and Ciejae! Besides opening his own presents Joshua felt compelled to help everyone else open theirs! He especially liked giving Papa the special mug he painted at Naked Plates. Joshua had picked out a mug with a cat face on it and specifically painted it to look like a stuffed cat my dad has at his house named Cameo. We had a wonderful evening together! (Again, the video below may only be of interest to those who attended)
Created by Catherine at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Welcome Home Dave!
Created by Catherine at 2:29 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
Hager Family Christmas
Created by Catherine at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Snow Day!
Created by Catherine at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
The walls have color!
Created by Catherine at 11:47 AM 1 comments
Good as new!
The dentist swiftly took care of Joshua's teeth yesterday afternoon. He filled them and then sanded them a bit to smooth them. Joshua was not one bit scared and actually sat very still the whole time they worked on his teeth. I was very proud of how well he did as I envisioned that this could be a very scary and traumatic experience that would invoke some poor behavior (I did try to prepare him ahead of time so hopefully this helped). He did so well that the dentist told him he could pick out not just one, but two toys out of the treasure chest since he had been such a good patient! Now he has teeth that look amazingly normal despite what happened to them! His teeth are still a bit sore and sensitive, but overall there was no real harm done that couldn't be fixed!
Created by Catherine at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth . . .
Created by Catherine at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Christmas Exchange with Friends
Since Christmas Eve and Christmas seem to be busy for every one's schedules Kim and I decided that this year Joshua and Ally could exchange gift a couple weeks early. They were in town last week and stopped over on Friday morning. Joshua totally understands the whole gift thing this year, so when he found out Ally had a gift for him he begged non-stop to open it right away. He loved the Lego set Ally gave him and we immediately had to create a construction vehicle. Even with directions this was a challenge for me as Kim can attest to! Ally enjoyed her play makeup and her Hungry Hippos game too! The kids, including Owen who I was watching that day, had a blast together. What boys wouldn't enjoy playing with a girl who loves cars just as much as they do?!?! Kim and Ally also brought a present for the baby and spoiled him with lots of new clothes! The talented woman she is, Kim created a few hand-crafted items for me to enjoy as well. A huge thanks to Kim and Ally for stopping by and spending time with us!
Created by Catherine at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Annual Christmas Tree Gathering
So I failed to remember to post this video I created earlier about our tree gathering adventures this year. Each year we usually head to Lenderink's Tree Farm to pick out and cut down our tree, go sledding and roast marshmallows. Well, this year things took a bit of a twist. The Saturday morning we were going to meet Shawn, Erin and Owen at the tree farm they called us. They had dropped their car off at a tire store in Caledonia and the owner of the store told them about property in Middleville that he owned that was an old Christmas tree farm he was making into a sub-division. He told them they could go there and cut down a tree or free. So, Erin called us and being the Dutch family on a budget that we are we jumped at the free tree idea (let's face it, we didn't want to pay much for a tree to put in this dinky rental house. Not to mention the tree will come right down after Christmas so we can pack and move)! Off to Middleville we went in search of our perfect Christmas tree. The place was filled with lots of gorgeous trees of all varieties, shapes and sizes. After walking around for a while Cory and Joshua found our perfect tree. Once the search was over and the trees were securely in the vehicles it was time for sledding. There happened to be a pathway through the tree farm that was perfect for sledding! The boys (yes, the big ones included) had a blast riding down the hill and playing in the snow! Check out our adventures in the video below.
Created by Catherine at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Like mother . . . like son . . .
Cory has been taking belly shots of me for the last several weeks now. Erin did this with my last pregnancy and put all the pictures in a book as a keepsake. This time my pregnancy journal has a space for pictures every week. Sometimes Joshua feels the need to be in the pictures but on this particular day he felt he should have his own belly shot taken (he had stuffed the kitty he borrowed from Owen up his fleece)! Guess he just wanted to be like mommy. What a nut!
Created by Catherine at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 08, 2008
Celebrating Saint Nicholas Day
Saturday was Saint Nicholas day and as is our tradition we celebrated by having Joshua put his shoes outside his bedroom door before bed Friday night. Since they had already celebrated Saint Nicholas Day in school and read the book we have I just talked with Joshua about it and prepared him. When Joshua woke up on Saturday morning he literally jumped out of bed to find out what Saint Nicholas had left him in his shoes! He usually finds a small gift as well as some candy and money in his shoes. This year Joshua was excited to find that Saint Nicholas had left him a trailer for his Playmobil tractor, a chocolate, a sucker and two quarters!
Created by Catherine at 8:47 PM 0 comments
House update
Created by Catherine at 8:46 PM 1 comments
Christmas Parade
Friday night we met Shawn, Erin and Owen for the Caledonia Christmas parade. It was really chilly even though we were as bundled as possible. We saw some firetrucks and some floats and the boys even got some candy tossed to them. We quickly found out a few things - parades in the winter are quite short, you freeze no matter how many layers you wear, and picking up candy with mittens on isn't the easiest task! Joshua's assessment of the night - "that parade was too short" and "I got lots of candy". It was a fun adventure, although I'm not sure if we will return next year for the festivities.
Created by Catherine at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 05, 2008
It's a BOY!
Yes, the ultrasound yesterday revealed that we will be adding more blue to our house. This baby is healthy and developing well. It has all 10 fingers and all 10 toes. The ultrasound technician got all of the needed measurements - the doctor said we have one cooperative little boy (let's hope this remains so outside of the womb)! We are very grateful and very blessed that all is well with this little one. However, I'd be lying if I said we weren't all (including Joshua) a bit disappointed that this is not a girl. A few tears have been shed knowing a little girl will never be in our family (I'm not taking the risk of having a 3rd and it being a boy too). People have told me that there still is a chance it may be a girl, but once I can figure out how to scan and load the ultrasound pictures you will see why there is no doubt that it is a boy (Cory calls it the "money shot" and it's very clear). When Cory says "uh-oh" during the ultrasound before the technician even says a word you know it's pretty clear! All is well and now I need to adjust my thinking to having two boys. A little shopping therapy helps with this! We abandoned the thought of using Joshua's old bedding (it did get almost 3 years of use and is faded) and got a new bedding set for the baby's room last night to cheer ourselves up. Stuff has definitely changed since I had Joshua and the boy things are actually much cuter and more modern looking (and not just covered with balls, animals, trains, cars or planes) which is very nice. So, our family will be complete in April when this little boy arrives. I do look forward to our boys having a wonderful and very special relationship like their dad and his brother have (after many years of fighting I'm sure)! Several years of dealing with too much testosterone in my house is now in my future!
Created by Catherine at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
With great excitement and anticipation (and a bit of anxiety) we look forward to my ultrasound tomorrow afternoon. It will be such a thrill to see all of this little being's parts moving around! I also worry about if they will find any abnormalities. We are praying for a report of a healthy little baby that is developing well. Joshua gets to be a part of this so that perhaps a bit more of the reality of the situation sinks in for him. He is very excited, but I'm not sure he totally understands the gravity of he situation and I know he has no idea how much it will effect his little life. We asked him last night if he thinks the baby is a boy or a girl to which he responded, "I don't know what the baby is". He keeps flip-flopping his thoughts on this so it will be interesting to see his reaction when we do find out the gender tomorrow. I too go back and forth in guessing between boy and girl. Any guesses??
Created by Catherine at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 01, 2008
First taste of snow this year
Last night Joshua just had to get all bundled up and head outside to play in the irresistible snow that had fallen. He likes trying to dodge the snow that is flying out of the snow blower and even purposely stops to get hit by it at times. We played a little snow baseball and then Joshua decided daddy should help him make some snowmen that were taller than him (he and I had made a small one shorter than him the week before). After lots of rolling and packing the snowmen took shape and were completed with cracker eyes and carrot noses (Joshua requested there be no mouths). However, the snowmen didn't last long. By bedtime last night one snowman's head fell off and the other had quite the lean. So this morning we turned the snow people into an arch that Joshua could climb on, sit on and crawl through. I'm sure we will have many more snow creations in our future as winter is just gearing up!
Created by Catherine at 10:06 PM 0 comments