Sunday, November 08, 2009

Matthew's Baptism

Today we had the great honor of celebrating Matthew being baptized! We had put off having him baptized until our church had moved to the new building, or was it just that life has been so busy we had put his baptism on our list of things to do, but hadn't gotten to it until now. Either way, today was the day. We gathered at church with our family this morning and Pastor Brad baptized Matthew. This was the first baptism at the new church so they were still trying to figure things out, but it went off without a problem. Matthew did well, mostly staring at the water that was about to be put on his head with a look of curiosity. Joshua stood up there with us and while the baptism was being done Joshua kept saying, "I think he likes it" meaning Matthew liked the water on his head. Unfortuately our camera's batteries ran out during the baptism so we didn't get many pictures. We continued the celebration by going back to our house for lunch with our family after the service. I had a friend of mine, the same one who has made all of Joshua's birthday cakes, make a cake to celebrate Matthew's baptism and she did a fabulous job! We are so thankful that God gave us the gift of Matthew and we pray we can share with him our faith and help him grow his own faith.

Standing at the front of church ready to have Pastor Brad baptize Matthew.

Pastor Brad introduces Matthew to our church family.

Trying to pose a 6 1/2 month old with a cake is not the best idea.

Matthew's certificate of baptism and his celebration cake.

The cake was awesome - a gift box with a tag that read Matthew "A Gift From God" (the meaning of his name)