Thursday, January 07, 2010

Poor second child . . . .

you will never believe what you had to put up with being the younger one so I had to record it for you. Apparently Joshua isn't too keen on the idea of Matthew crawling and now being able to get where he wants to explore. I was cleaning up the kitchen after lunch today and turned around to see Matthew pants-less, sock-less and being pulled around by his feet - not sure why there was a need to partially undress his brother, but Joshua claims that he was getting Matthew away from the magazines before he tore them up. Strange thing is Matthew loved being pulled around by his feet and thought it was hilarious!


Natalie said...

Cute little boys! My little Austin is at the same phase as your younger son and he gets plenty of grief from his older brothers. But they love him like crazy and they make him laugh a lot. There's nothing like it. I love the crawling video below as well. He's such a cute little chunk=)

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Sheryl said...

What a helpful big brother! Loved the video. Glad Matthew seemed to love it. :-)