Sunday, November 28, 2010

The season of Advent

It's upon us once again, the beautiful season of Advent. I didn't realize until this afternoon that today was the first Sunday of Advent - still in November mode and our church doesn't specifically celebrate Advent (makes me sad and is one of the very few things I dislike about our church) so it wasn't brought to my attention at church this morning. Thankfully after years of much practice we know just what we need to begin celebrating the Advent season in our house. Two of the three nativity sets we own have been dusted off and brought out for the boys to play with, the third nativity set is my Willow Tree one that little boys are not allowed to touch and isn't out yet as it is awaiting the finishing touches of the piece of furniture on which it will be displayed (more on the that when it's complete). New candles adorned our city of Bethlehem Advent wreath. As I tell the stories of Advent that lead up to Jesus' birth night after night Matthew probably won't understand most of it, but will be mesmerized by the candles on the Advent wreath. Joshua on the other hand soaks it all in which reminds me why I adore this age/stage (some times at least) and why this is one of my most favorite times of the year, especially with children! Time to quiet our hearts and prepare for one of the most beautiful celebrations, Jesus' birth.