Monday, January 24, 2011


Our winter-loving child loves to spend hours playing out in the snow, crazy if you ask me. He loves to sled, build forts and generally just play in the snow so we wondered if he'd like to snowbaord. A couple weekends ago Owen brought over his snowboard and let Joshua try it out. We really thought there was no way Joshua was going to try it since he doesn't like to try new things or take risks. I think watching Owen show him what to do helped. Surprisingly Joshua actually snowboarded and asked if he could get one. Well, this is not the time you go shopping for such an item as they have pretty much sold out or been clearanced out in most stores so we hadn't really been looking. We happened to be at Dick's Sporting Goods on Saturday and they actually had a little kid's snowboard for a decent price. We purchase it figuring if Joshua didn't end up riding it Matthew, our little risk taker, would in future years. Yesterday was cold, but sunny so we spent the afternoon trying out Joshua's new snowboard on the hill by our house. He did really well and we are proud of him for trying it!