Friday, October 12, 2007

Parent Coalition

Joshua's Bright Beginning's parent educator recently told me about a parent coalition that was in need of having more parents join called Great Start. There are meetings for the parent coalition on one or two Thursday evenings a month where they discuss early childhood issues in Kent County - they really want real parent's input!!! Seeing as one of my passions in life is early childhood and educating people in the importance of the first 5 years of life I felt I needed to join this group. Last night was my first meeting and Joshua actually got to go with me because they offered free child care. It was a great meeting! They began by taking a look at a report that a committee is working on that proposes a plan for an Early Childhood System in Kent County. I haven't yet read the report, but from what I heard last night it is just the thing that needs to instituted in our state that would benefit every child. I am excited to read more about it! The second half of the evening we had a speaker talk about basic child development and the five love languages of children. The information was great! If you have a heart for helping young children in our county, including your own, and would like to share your opinions on early childhood issues I encourage you to join the Great Start Parent Coalition. From what I heard you get some awesome free materials as well - one of there first meetings this year they gave every parent attending a free Franklin Planner worth $50! If you are interested in joining just click on the words Great Start at the beginning of this post and you will find a registration form in the information about the parent coalition or contact me and I will give you the necessary info.