Friday, January 11, 2008


Have I mentioned that I love Old Navy for little kids clothes?!?! Today they started their annual half off clearance price sale and I was a bargain shopper on the hunt. I had already looked at the selection at the smaller Old Navy store in town earlier in the week in anticipation of the sale and had decided my chances at more bargains were better at the larger store across town. So my poor son had to sit in a stroller and entertain himself for an hour and a half while we shopped around the boys section, the women's and the men's. I purposely gave him alphabet pretzels for his snack which occupied him for a good 45 minutes as he tried to figure out every letter before he ate it. He did a phenomenal job while I shopped and even the lady at the register commented that he was the most patient kid she had ever seen. Joshua has a large portion of his wardrobe for next fall/winter thanks to this great sale. I didn't pay over $5.50 for anything pictured and most of it was $4 or $3 a piece with the total for all being $54!!! I'm so thankful that Joshua has always been predictable in sizes because I save so much money shopping this sale each year! Now I'm praying he doesn't break from this trend and have a growth spurt!


Van Wesep Ventures said...

So, when you look at the clothes, is it hard to believe that they WILL actually fit him next year???

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lorna would be so proud...ya know how she loves great bargains. The clothes are awesome and even better is the price. You've got great taste. :-)