Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bottle Boot Camp Update

Just in case anyone has been wondering, we've won the battle with the bottle! After trying 6 different bottles we ended up sticking with the Born Free that he had taken before this whole fight. We stuck with giving Matthew one bottle a day since he first started having an issue a month ago. He fought it big time for the first few days and we had episodes of screaming and crying for an hour or so a time. After a few days though he realized we weren't going to give up so he was going to have to give in if he wanted to eat. Over the past few weeks he has been eating his bottles, but not really well. This last week however, he has been sucking his bottle a day down and is getting more proficient.I really don't think this whole issue had much to do with the bottle/nipple, but more with our stubborn child who just had to realize that sometimes he needs to take a bottle. We will be doing a bottle daily for the next couple of months just to make sure he doesn't have a lapse again and then it will be onto full time bottle feeding and the start of cereal. At least now I can leave my child knowing he won't starve or scream for hours and I don't have to breastfeed for a year (nothing against breastfeeding, but it's just not my thing)!