Wednesday, April 04, 2007

First Finger Painting Experience

While running a couple errands this morning I found some washable finger paints and thought it would be fun to try with Joshua today. (I must have had a momentary lapse of memory that my child is a neat freak.) Joshua was very excited to get his paints out after lunch and get everything set up. Keep in mind Joshua has painted several times, but always with a brush. Here is a photographic progression of our short painting session. . .

Joshua only dares to dip his fingers in the paint. . .

I help him along by putting his whole hand in the paint. Joshua then makes the mistake of looking at his hands and notices that they are dirty. . .

Oops, my mistake. Joshua is not a big fan of having his hands dirty. . .

He really isn't happy that his hands are dirty and is ticked that I am not cleaning his hands off immediately!!!

So, that was our short-lived finger painting experience, but at least he tried it. Guess we will just have to keep trying and hopefully Joshua will start to enjoy finger painting a little more. Hopefully he will figure out that it's okay to have dirty hands too!


Van Wesep Ventures said...

What fun, it is really something that he can't stand his hands dirty. Hopefully, the fact that he played in the sand will help him get used to digging in.