Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Training him young. . .

Every week I clean the house. I grew up with my mom doing her weekly cleaning and have just gone on to do the same in my own home. Anyway, Joshua has already taken to vacuuming and loves to help his daddy; Cory can't wait until Joshua is able to push around the real vacuum on his own and take over the job! Joshua will often go around with a Swiffer duster and dust the doors and furniture as he sees me do. Yesterday he grabbed the spray bottle and began spraying everything (he thinks this is hilarious). I figured why not put his spraying to good use, so I had him spray the windows and then showed him how to wipe them down. He loved it and so did I (not to mention I now have lots of clean glass in my house)! Let's just hope his interest in cleaning continues as he has many years to come of helping out around this house.


Van Wesep Ventures said...

Excellent job Joshua - I have a brand new aquarium that is going to need to be cleaned several times a week from what it look like - your welcome to come help out anytime.

Brenda said...

oh my word...i SO remember your mom's cleaning FRIDAYS like it was yesterday. I remember dropping by and the kitchen would be torn apart because she had to mop yet and we were banned to the basement...probably to play some LOUD music! Good memories and good habits!