Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Day Trip

Eli and Joshua play together.

The incredible IKEA

A week ago when Shawn mentioned that he had a business meeting about 30 minutes away from Canton, Michigan Erin and I immediately thought how fun it would be to tag along since IKEA is now in Canton. So, yesterday we loaded up the kids and traveled down to Canton. We of course had to hit the outlet mall that is on the way to look for great deals on summer clothes for next year for the boys. Then we headed to Cory and Shawn's cousin Missy's house. Missy just happens to live about 4 miles away from IKEA - how convenient(I must say I am jealous of her living so close)! So, while Shawn went to his meeting Erin and I spent a couple hours chatting with Missy and catching up while the kids (Eli, Joshua and Owen) played, napped and ate. It was so much fun! A HUGE thank you to Missy for allowing us to come and visit!
Since Cory didn't want to miss out on the fun he worked half a day and then drove down and met us at Missy's house. We all headed over to IKEA when Shawn returned from his meeting. WOW, is that place GIGANTIC! It took us almost 3 hours to get through the place! There is so much to see it's incredible. I'm sure we could have spent so much more time there, but with little kids this really wasn't an option yesterday. We didn't go wanting to buy much, we just wanted to check it out. We did end up coming home with a few things - a couple toys for Joshua, a couple of kitchen items and a child's stool (which will serve as a time out stool for Joshua in the near future). It was a very long day, but a fun one!


Van Wesep Ventures said...

Sounds like a fun day. Glad you enjoyed it. Good luck with the time out chair, and I'm sure you're right about using it soon. Allison has already had a few "highchair moments" shall we say. Hopefully, he will learn quickly that the time out chair is one piece of furniture that should be gathering dust (yeah right, not around your house, you have to come to my house for that.) IKEA sounds like a fun time.

Catherine said...

Joshua has already broken in the time out stool. He has a bad habit of screaming which we need to break!

Missy said...

I loved having you guys visit, so there's no need to thank me! It's such a treat to get more time with all of you, and I love seeing the kids as they grow. And I had a really nice time talking with you and Erin.

It is nice living by IKEA, I must admit - we've made several trips there and are filling our house with IKEA things. Any time you want to make a repeat visit I would love to see you again!