Saturday, August 12, 2006

A New Chair

A couple weeks ago my dear friend Kim emailed me a picture of the most adorable plush kid's chair. It is from Pottery Barn Kids and regularly costs $100, but she got it for $25. She had gotten it at an outlet mall in Ohio for her daughter, but upon getting it home she and her husband decided they didn't want to keep it. So, she offered to sell the chair to me. I of course jumped at the idea - seeing as though it was from Pottery Barn just like Joshua's bedding I knew it would match his room perfectly! So, this weekend we got Joshua's new chair. It's so soft and cushy he just loves hugging it. Hopefully he will gravitate to his new chair to look at books instead of always sitting on the floor. What a great deal, thanks Kim!


Anonymous said...

Joshua, I love your new chair. It looks like it is just a little bigger than you but I am sure you will grow into it someday. What a fun place to sit and read books with Mom and Dad. We will have to come and see it soon.
Love you lots and lots,
Grandma and Grandpa